First project meeting of members of our HEI Green Path project team was held on 31.10.2024

It was organized online due to the fact that all partners wanted to discuss main project issues right after starting date of the project – and online format was the quickest way

Meeting was divided into 3 stages, during which partners discussed about main project issues.

I. Introductory session

This session was dedicated mostly to introducing each other in person. Experts who were selected by their institutions to work under the project were talking about themselves. It was great opportunity to get to know each other, as we are about to spend next 2 years working together.

II. Session dedicated to organizational and financial issues

Project Leader presented main information about financial and administrative management of the project – about project management, reporting, finances etc. It was opportunity to discuss about all issues related to rules of our future cooperation

III. Session dedicated to introduction to the project and Intellectual Outputs

Project Leader presented main aim and specific aims of the project, mentioning also about reasons why this project is so important to WSPA. Partners discussed in details content and schedule of work for the upcoming months.